Ant Biodiversity and Its Relationship to Ecosystem Functioning a Review


Aquatic ecosystems support a substantial source of the globe's biological variety. They are an essential reservoir and share an enormous proportion of earth 's bio logical productivity. Both aquatic resource and its biodiversity are interrelated to each other and they perform a myriad of functions and are valuable and essential for the sustainability of biotic communities. Aquatic biodiversity in both freshwater and marine environments are under continuous refuse because of overexploitation of species, introduced exotic plant or creature, pollution sources from cities, industries and agricultural zones, loss and changes in ecological niche. Their conservation and management in the grade of bio reserve points and bioregional management and worldwide monitoring are needed for the protection of the aquatic biodiversity. This review is presenting information on biodiversity in aquatic habitats and their resources, in marine and fresh water ecosystems, their importance conservation and restoration mechanisms.

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Irfan, South. and Alatawi, A. (2019) Aquatic Ecosystem and Biodiversity: A Review. Open Journal of Environmental, 9, 1-13. doi: 10.4236/oje.2019.91001.

1. Introduction

The Convention on Biological Diversity, describes "Biodiversity as the variations amidst all organisms". Biodiversity tin be termed equally the variations amongst living biota performing their ecological functions in the terrestrial marine and other freshwater ecosystems and the other ecological complexities where they are living such equally intraspecific diverseness, interspecific diversity and diverse biota in the ecosystems. Aquatic biodiversity is comprehensive term that comprises freshwater ecosystems with lakes, ponds, reservoirs, rivers, streams, groundwater, and wetlands. The other part of aquatic biodiversity has marine ecosystems, which makes upwardly an ocean, estuaries, table salt marshes, coral reefs, mangroves and algal colonies. Different kinds of phytoplanktons, zooplanktons, aquatic plants, insects, fishes, birds and mammals are too an important office of aquatic biodiversity.

Marine ecosystems are valuable wealth merely vulnerable likewise. Extended sea and ocean h2o contributes about ninety% of the marine ecosystem and shares about ten% of the total marine animals' population. Whereas freshwater resources occur in insignificant proportions comparison to other h2o systems on the earth and their distribution and usage are also non counterbalanced [1]. Gleick [2] reported that surface freshwater habitats accounts for just 0.01% of the earth's h2o which is covering simply about 0.eight% of the globe surface.

Human being life has closely been associated with the water bodies with various functions ever since the ancient times. Water reservoirs and aquatic biodiversity accept intimate relationship and both the ecological units have interdependency on each other. Evaporation of surface water from the ocean has major office in continuation of h2o circulation from atmosphere-to-lithosphere. Ocean has a great capacity to transport heat from the globe, mitigation of severe natural calamities through its reciprocal interactions with temper, providing optimum temperature for occurrence and growth of organisms. Oceans are significantly involved in the global atmospheric condition atmospheric condition and climatic transitions. There is occurrence and growth of unique ocean life with multifariousness of organisms present making it a diverse ecosystem. Recently, at that place is a great emphasis on the function between the ocean and the climate alter. The ocean ecosystem not just stores a swell amount of h2o simply also absorbs plenty of carbon in the form of "carbon sink". Marine phytoplanktons are capable of processing annual cyberspace primary production of around 50 billion tons of carbon this amount is approximately equal to the primary production of terrestrial plants. Master production turnovers are fast moving and the transportation of matters is highly active.

Master producers of the oceans are occupying the photic zones down to about 200 grand from the water surface, and sea bottoms areas adjacent to the shallow littoral water. In the deep-sea zone, there is an existence of entire different life. It is a truthful fact that the oceans and seas are support organisation of an extended number of biological diverse species, which are immensely of import for the ecological diversity. There are full 222,000 - 230,000 marine species listed, and well-nigh 200,000 belong to Animalia [3]. Marine habitats are fragile because they are highly reactive to the variations and transformation in physical environments [4].

Sensitivity of the biodiversity in fresh water resources is more than any other terrestrial ecosystems [5]. The vulnerability of the freshwater habitat is considering disproportionate numbers of institute and animal communities are growing in the water regime. As estimated by Lundberg et al. [6] freshwater bodies are enriched with more than x,000 fish species, which comprises approximately twoscore% of global fish communities and ane 4th of diverse vertebrate population at global scale. Combining countless number of amphibians, aquatic reptiles and mammalian populations to the total quantity of freshwater-fish clearly depicts the freshwater habitat as the only favorite biological spot of all vertebrates. Comprehensive data about the full species diversity in the freshwater resource is incomplete peculiarly among invertebrates and microbes and in the tropical zones of the earth that serves as a dwelling house spot of different species of the world. From amphibian'due south phylum, total of 5778 species has been identified since last 10 years [7]. Mekong drainage in Cambodia has been identified every bit one of the global "hotspots" for regional river fish biodiversity; Rainboth [8] estimated that Mekonge basin has variety of species richness making it globally recognized. Recent enquiry estimation has revealed fish wealth of near 1700 species [ix]. It has been noticed that freshwater biological regions are given less interests than terrestrial zones [10]. Documentation near invertebrate animals diverseness in tropical freshwaters are not available. However, great endemism and species richness at regional habitat practice exist in the groups of crustaceans, mollusks and aquatic arthropods [11] [12] [xiii]. Information on microbial biodiversity in the freshwater bodies is likewise not well recorded, non indicating the vital part of microorganisms in biogeochemical cycles operation on the earth. Most of the prokaryotic taxonomic groups are still not discovered [fourteen] [15].

Aquatic biodiversity increases with latitudes with maximum in the tropical zones. The best examples of aquatic ecosystem biodiversity can be seen in the Amazon River. The Not bad Barrier Reef in Australian continent is the largest coral reef ecosystem in the world, habitat of over 700 varieties of coral, and also giving shelter to various varieties of fish and mollusks species. Coral reefs are the systems with extreme biodiversity of marine animals. One studies from the Carmine Sea region of Gulf of Aqaba, has revealed that egg releasing phase of aquatic animals are unlike throughout the year in this particular region of marine ecosystem [16]. This gives the strikingly different detail from the Great Barrier Reef, where aquatic animals and coral spawning occurs at the aforementioned time [16] [17].

Non merely marine systems many fresh-water ecosystems are also a favorable biological spot of unique species, because freshwater habitats are isolated surroundings on the natural mural, facing obstacles of distance and weather conditions which is a hard task to tolerate. Such kind of ecological phenomena favors the evolution of new species in different fresh-water resources.

Hynes [18] categorized a number of various plant species found in and around aquatic bodies: flowering plant, mosses, liverworts, species of encrusting lichens, stonewort and other enormously growing algal species. The uninterrupted water cycles in the aquatic bodies accept an immense office in the arrival of minerals and nutrient components from high level to low-lying area and eventually to the extended sea and ocean water [xix]. Aquatic bodies downstream support a rich various species of plants: absurd hard lesser streams containing by and large bryophytes and large soft bottom rivers supporting angiosperms. Amid macrophytes the constitute species, which is most diverse in running water bodies, is the benthic algae. They occur on all possible surfaces along the river and are intimately associated with microbes and an extracellular organic matrix called Aufwuchs (minute plants and animals attached to rooted aquatic plants and other exposed layers, this besides collects scrapers who are organisms and detritus roofing rocks and plants colonizing the aquatic surroundings and often serve the purpose of fish food).

In aphotic zones of the rivers the diatom species abound in large numbers. Large aquatic bodies in the torrid zone have more species multifariousness than those in temperate regions; in improver species richness increases rapidly in lower latitudes than higher ones [19]. Menses regimes of running aquatic bodies are important. It adds to the sustaining adequacy of Rivers and their associated flood plain. Any alteration of flowing stream ofttimes claims to be the serious and threatens wetlands and their species diversity.

Many authors have observed the stardom in plant group structure related to spatial and temporal distribution, which has influence of flood and scour, desiccation, substrate stability and localized variations in water velocity, turbulence and shear stress.

Sometimes aquatic flora has isolated or discontinuous growth and availability in the environs considering of differences in distribution, frequency and intensity, institution success and growth rates. Rørslett [20] found that increased stability of base flow and reduction of flow variability led to excessive growths of aquatic macrophytes. Similarly seedling survival and plant growth rates are affected by changes in rates of water level fluctuation and disturbance frequency and intensity [21]. In this review information on biodiversity in aquatic habitats and their resources, in marine and fresh water ecosystems, their importance conservation and restoration mechanisms was discussed in brief.

2. Part of Biodiversity in the Ecosystem

Figure 1 represents the vast functions and services provided by the ecosystem biodiversity, which is continuously supporting the mankind and its existence [22].

three. Threats to Aquatic Biodiversity

In December 2003, United Nations General assembly, declared the year 2005 to

Figure 1. Showing various uses of ecosystem biodiversity.

2015 as an international year for aquatic life, this official adoption was implemented to command the threats to aquatic biodiversity and their preservation and protection. The resolution demanded the serious concern on global h2o issues and development attempts, and nations were joined to fulfill the water related targets of the 2000 Millennium announcement. It is of import to mention that Agenda 21 from the proposal was taken with grave concern to provide the world's population access to safe drinking h2o and aseptic sanitation, which is accepted equally the basic right of every citizen of the world [21]. "Water for Life" resolution of Un was implemented at the aforementioned fourth dimension when the biodiversity and biological resources of the aquatic resources were under the threats of anthropogenic activities. The threats to global aquatic biodiversity are very conspicuously known and the reasons can also be perceived; yet the extent of these damages varies from region to region. Identifying these threats tin have niggling upshot on the conservation, so it is advisable to mitigate the threats that can be a practical approach towards restoration.

Since long time the Ruby Body of water has been given the status of high marine biodiversity spot [23] and endemism [10] , which is an ecological niche of more than than yard species of fishes and over 50 genera of reef forming (hermatypic) corals. Recently projection studies have shown the possibility of extinction of many large fishes in Saudi Arabian Scarlet bounding main coral reefs ecosystem, but some of the predator fishes tin can still exist conserved if Saudi's Red sea reefs are restored to the original condition [24]. Marine ecosystem of the Cherry Sea is an extensive area of coral reefs, where numerous numbers of diverse endemic species are thriving. Communities of Body of water grasses, meadows and mangroves systems are also depending on the Ruby-red Sea. This zone of marine ecosystem is facing a pressure from fishing, shipping, oil manufacture, aquaculture, marine h2o desalination, urban and industrial discharge, plastic wastes, human activities and climate difference.

Trinidad and Tobago adequate freshwater resource ecosystems were nether continuous threats and the damages to the freshwater habitats was noticeable [25]. Important significant impacts that were causing all-encompassing impairment to the water resources and the loss of aquatic biodiversity are deforestation, use of pesticides in agriculture and h2o for irrigation purpose, rise in urban and industrial sector, regulation of h2o for dam and hydroelectricity production, mineral and petroleum extraction, Solid wastes dumps, bottom dredging and water flow channelization, line-fishing and aquarium market [26]. According to Olsen et al. [27] Trinidad and Tobago's freshwater ecosystems has a significant local value as biologically distinguished system, but seriously at the take chances of extinction in terms of conservation category. All these freshwater systems were included in the priority listing of conservation at the regional basis. In Chile, freshwater resource protection was targeted towards habitat protection to conserve the exotic species of Salmonids. This biodiversity management in turn benefited the residue of ecosystem process and preservation of indigenous fauna [28] [29]. The similar situation happened in the New Zealand also, where conservation of Salmonids and other valuable fish biodiversity has made smashing bear upon on the development of habitat protection [30].

Colonization of new species in the aquatic organisation through homo activities, whether knowingly or unknowingly, is becoming global environmental outcome. The problem of introduced species is on the rise in United States freshwater resources. In the twelvemonth 1920, six exotic fishes were introduced into the freshwater; a few more than had been added past 1945 and until 1980 more species had been noticed. Newly arrived species in the ecosystem creates many problems for the native species, as they start breeding and population growth in more area other than their detail spot. Removal of chemical contaminations from the aquatic ecosystem tin be eliminated at the point of source, or the habitat tin be restored subsequently pollution tiptop, but once the species introduction has begun, it is very difficult to contrary this task of introduction. Besides this introduced or alien species can likewise produce negative impacts on native organism of the water resources, such as preying of animals, competition, niche alteration, interspecific breeding, and disease and parasitic infection evolution. Species are introduced to the new environment to proceeds economic advantage or to fulfill the developmental requirements similar aquaculture. This introduction tin be economically profitable initially merely afterwards information technology can produce disadvantages on economical and ecological terms, due to their invasive growth. Such an instance is of Oysters, which has been introduced in to the global coastal waters for nutrient. Oysters have function in estuarine ecosystem brings several complex modifications. Autonomously from this when oysters combine with conflicting oysters they get attached to their shells creating a kind of mismanagement in the aquatic system [31]. Introduced invasive species in the marine environment are a severe threat to biodiversity of the ecosystem because of their prolific growth and other harmful effects creating ecological and economic disruption.

one) Overexploitation of species: over exploitation of particular species to fulfill the need of human greed can result in the loss of genetic variety and that lowers the relative species abundance of individual or groups of interacting species. This process can reduce the population size every bit a result of interruption in historic period structure and sexual activity composition. Fishing exploitation disrupts the genetic constitution of fish population because of loss of some alleles from the genome, reducing the genetic diversity.

2) Habitat modification: structural modification in the habitat may likewise bring species extinction for case, dam construction, deforestation, diverting water form for agronomics supply changing marsh land and small water entities for other office. Building dams on river obstructs the migration of fishes from the source point and cause motility of populations from their natural spawning area and divides the population in to smaller groups. Another instance is outcome of deforestation that leads to progressive deposition of catchment surface area due to soil erosion causing sedimentation and siltation. This process has negative affect non only on the breeding zone of aquatic organisms merely too results in blockage of gills in minor fishes.

3) Organic pollutants drainage/suspended solids/sewage discharge: this includes toxic and poisonous compounds similar metals, agrochemical substances, phenolic and acidic discharge, promoting mortality rate and suppresses the reproductive function of the aquatic animals [32]. Suspended solids create issues and suffocation in respiration physiology and production of fungus that makes the fishes prone to infections produced by aquatic pathogens. Belch of sewage results in eutrophic aquatic organisation, causing deoxygenation and aggravates death rate in aquatic organism and submerged aquatic flora.

four) Thermal pollution: produce changes in surrounding h2o temperature and reduces the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water cavalcade consequently death of minor and sensitive aquatic animals. Death rate acceleration in the aquatic organisms affects the aquatic biodiversity either by promoting extinction of species or population or reduced population. Remarkable rise in ocean h2o temperature due to marked El Niño phenomenon has anxious the scientists who noticed the coral bleaching could extend beyond 2017 [33]. Climate modify and global warming has been accustomed as the master reason behind rise in sea water temperature, which now threatening the rich but vulnerable wealth of coral reef's worldwide [34].

4. Conservation Approaches for the Aquatic Ecosystems

One of the remarkable approach especially for the conservation of aquatic ecosystems was United Nations Convention on the Law of Body of water (UNCLOS) which was implemented in the year 1994. This law was basically considering the promotion and back up of the biodiversity along with the sustainable use of the oceanic water. Major not-authorities international organizations, research institutes and scientific groups can collaborate nether the roof of the United nations to piece of work together for the assessment of global biodiversity and identification and listing of hotspots as biodiversity indicator. Still, to preclude the future losses in the biodiversity either marine or freshwater, inadequate information availability should non be considered as hindrance in the progress of conservation. Communities operating at the broader sector should not delay waiting for the right fourth dimension to get all the potential facts to initiate any procedure. Some of the information collected in the form of fishes and marine reptiles and other taxa are sufficient and reliable to trust that aquatic biodiversity is going through the crisis and can be cataclysm if non prevented.

Charles Elton, the "male parent of ecology", once presented his thought of conservation in his words that we should be "... looking for some wise principle of co-existence betwixt man and nature, even if information technology has to be a modified kind of man and a modified kind of nature. This is what I understand by conservation" [35]. Rosenzweig [36] also favored the idea of reconciliation ecology, suggesting different species inhabitation together with flesh to enhance species richness and positive effect. Many wetland zones, whether fresh or brackish-h2o are biologically engineered past homo or the environment is controlled past man. The all-time instance is represented at Ramsar site, which hosts a large number of water birds which are under serious threats of extinction, another wetland in Indian subcontinent known as "Kabar Taal" is a wintertime niche for many migratory birds. Both these examples clearly show that human alterations in the ecosystem tin can be compatible and cooperative in biodiversity conservation.

It has been recommended that strategies to conserve aquatic resources should comply with ecosystem conservation, which can favor the growth of biotic resources, and aid to maintain the natural habitats and ecosystems (Figure two). In order to brand aquatic biodiversity conservation effective and successful, conservation management regulations should include all broad areas.

・ Aquatic regions suffering from anthropogenic devastation, degradation or habitat loss should exist aimed for the restoration. The aforementioned objective should imply for the conservation of the plant or animal species, which are facing decline growth and are close to extinction from the community. Water systems and aquatic biodiversity are closely related and interdependent on each other. General assumption is that h2o quality and habitat quality accept an result on the species limerick, diversity and physical structure of the aquatic ecosystems [37].

・ Bio-reserve spots can be created inside a water body where fishing is restricted forth with the other activities to protect the plants, animals and their habitat to conserve the aquatic biodiversity. Another useful function of these bio-reserves are that they can be highly beneficial for the purpose of instruction, recreation, tourism as well as potential increase in fishes reserve by improving the conditions of declining fish population. These bio-reserves function equally marine protected areas, fishery reserves, sanctuaries and biological parks.

・ Bioregional management, can help to regulate factors influencing aquatic biodiversity, brings the remainder in conservation, economy, and social demand of an expanse. This includes biosphere zones from small surface area and larger reserves. Effigy ii sketching the network of global biodiversity monitoring system and regional areas protection plan. Crimson Ocean Biodiversity articulation project was conducted to assess the marine biodiversity of the Saudi-Arabian coast and deep h2o of the Ruddy Ocean and to create an data source at the King Abdul Aziz Marine Museum (KAUMM) and at Senckenberg

Figure 2. Representation of global biodiversity monitoring system.

Biodiversity Enquiry Plant in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (SRI) in 2011. This project programme was aimed at the collection and identification of species of all marine animal groups. Marine species were preserved and catalogued equally a reference source of the KAUMM and SRI [38].

・ Watershed management has a meaning office in keeping the balance and preservation of aquatic diversity. Aquatic resources are open and unprotected organization, because their geographical road often crosses through many political territories. Such blazon of situation creates difficulty in conservation and management of resource. However, recently, this state of affairs has improved as regional and local watershed communities accept started protection projects for lakes and streams. The Napo drainage depression of the Amazon bowl is enormously biodiverse ecosystem located in Republic of ecuador, has gone through the various anthropogenic threats. Lessmanna et al., [39] enlisted the freshwater vertebrates and invertebrates, and as well prepared their diversity and distribution model. The report was focused on the freshwater invertebrate and vertebrate taxa. Species richness maps were prepared using compilation data for approximately 481 freshwater vertebrate species, which includes amphibians, birds, mammals, reptiles and fishes and over 54 invertebrate families recorded from the altitude of 200 - 4500 thousand height of the basin. The interest of the written report was to implement conservation and direction programs for the high species diversity of invertebrates in the large tropical Napo basin with the help of manpower, financial expenditure, human attempt, skilled knowledge and time [39].

・ Tree planting around drainage or catchment expanse of h2o bodies can control soil erosion and helps to minimize sedimentation in the h2o systems. This tin can provide improve survival environment to aquatic fauna.

・ Construction of industeries, chemical factories and thermal ability plants side by side to the aquatic systems should be controlled as industrial effluent can damage the surround supporting aquatic ecosystem and finally results in the loss of biodiversity.

・ The World Resources Establish The states, which is a global enquiry organization, has emphasized the idea of putting particular plant or animal in threatened or endangered category can exist helpful in protecting the biodiversity. Restoration of the aquatic resources can also be promoted via specialized educational programme. For example, USDA Woods service has begun a special course with target to protect and restore the river ecosystem and their related species. Several international universities too offering the biodiversity conservation management program, to create understanding and awareness nigh significance of biodiversity amid upcoming generation.

・ Regulation of industrial and urban wastewater belch must be taken in to consideration to conserve the aquatic resource variety.

・ Spreading awareness at the social forum is the friendliest manner to educate the customs about conservation of aquatic biodiversity. This can be achieved successfully via educational programs, prize sponsored events, and volunteer promotions.

・ Marine protected areas―developments of Marine protected areas (MPAs) are receiving popularity as a coral reef direction tools for the direction of coral reef systems [forty] [41]. Non-coral invertebrates also contribute in providing enormous biodiversity to coral reef environmental, just their role in the marine ecosystem is still non well explored [42]. Japan has been designating Marine Protected Areas since long time. Examples of them are 1) Natural Parks and Natural Seashore Conservation Areas that aim to protect the natural landscape two) Nature Conservation Areas, Wild animals Protection Areas, Natural Habitat Conservation Areas and designated areas for natural monuments for the protection of the natural environment or the habitat of organisms; and three) Protected Water Surface zone aim towards conservation and gardening of aquatic animals and plants, littoral marine resources development areas and other various specified areas designated by unlike entities such equally prefectural governments and fishing groups [43].

v. Conclusion

Scientific reports have shown that habitats having extended biodiversity have chances to adjust in the new environment and regrow from various disasters either anthropogenic or natural. This tin can be considered benign in support of biodiversity since different species are performing the similar functions in a biologically diverse ecosystem, a disruption affecting 1 species may produce little affect on the entire ecosystem. Habitats with niggling diversity are considered as more vulnerable, as any insignificant interference in one species life may cause negative impact on the complex of interactions to collapse. Public awareness is demand of the fourth dimension to teach citizens that only healthy functional aquatic ecosystems tin provide all the benefits of improved h2o quality, water product and biodiversity richness. Immediate activeness in the form of strategic plans, economic incentives, public awareness and stakeholder interest should exist taken for the direction and restoration of water resource and aquatic ecosystems. The direction of h2o resources and aquatic ecosystems needs proper state management and sustainable implementation of land practices and holistic sense to place the relevance between natural and manmade effects and developments. With the increase in population and homo activities in that location will be more than utilization of water resources then their biodiversity. Hence, restoration of aquatic habitat and conservation of biodiversity is the need of this mod time to maintain the quality of life.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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